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非营利组织 Matches with Law Firms

自1999年以来, the 非营利组织 Legal Assistance Program of the District of Columbia 酒吧 公益性服务 Center has matched community-based nonprofits that otherwise could not afford to pay for legal help with on-going pro bono legal counsel from top District of Columbia law firms. These firms assist with corporate law and governance, 不动产法, 就业法, 风险管理, intellectual property and other transactional legal needs.

阅读我们的 成功的故事 多年来.

Determining Eligibility

All applicants undergo a screening process to determine eligibility and whether there is a law firm available to take the matter.


  • a charitable, educational or community organization;
  • providing direct services to persons of limited means living in the District of Columbia; and
  • unable to pay legal fees because doing so would significantly deplete the organization's ability to provide services.

新的非营利组织 must fulfill the above and at least have:

  • 商业计划;
  • a board of directors;
  • attended a nonprofit training course.

If your organization would like to apply for assistance from the 非营利组织 Legal Assistance Program, please complete and return the application below.

