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Ethics Opinion 369


A lawyer may remit a percentage of fees earned on a matter referred to her by the inquiring "lawyer referral service" only if such fees (1) are derived from litigation matters, as set out in 规则5.D .第4(a)(5)条.C. 规则 of Professional Conduct, 或(2)在规则7的评论[6]的意义上是这种服务的“通常费用”.1.


  • 规则5.4(靠谱的滚球平台的职业独立性)
  • 规则7.1(关于靠谱的滚球平台服务的通讯)


该委员会被问到,民主党是否.C. 规则 of Professional Conduct ("D.C. 规则”或“规则”)允许向靠谱的滚球平台转介服务(“服务”)支付某些费用。. The Service would direct prospective low-income clients to a network of lawyers willing to work for such clients at modest rates. 对于每一位由本处介绍给网络靠谱的滚球平台的客户, 靠谱的滚球平台将向该处汇出大约200美元的固定“推荐”付款(“固定付款”). 是否应在初步谘询后继续进行陈述, the network lawyer would further remit to the Service fifteen percent of 任何 fees earned through the representation ("Percentage Payment"). 这项安排将适用于所有类型的法律代理,而不限于诉讼事项. The Service is or will be qualified as exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.1

该处承诺通过一个争端解决小组“提供质量保证和问责制”. 调查没有说明该服务是否对所有D.C. 酒吧里的成员, 是否要求所有参与的靠谱的滚球平台都有合理足够的医疗事故保险, 或者它是否会将案件提交给拥有, 操作, or are employed by the Service.

基于以下原因,我们得出结论:(1)D.C. 规则允许支付固定付款和(2)百分比付款只有在规则5内才允许.4(a)(5) or comment [6] to 规则7.1.


D.C. 规则7.1 provides that "[a] lawyer shall not give 任何thing of value to a person (other than the lawyer’s partner or employee) for recommending the lawyer’s services through in-person contact." D.C. 规则7.1(b)(2). 然而,对该规则的评论指出,“靠谱的滚球平台可以参加 lawyer referral programs 然后支付 通常的费用 charged by such programs." D.C. 规则7.1, cmt. [6] (emphasis added).

规则5.第4(a)条规定,靠谱的滚球平台不得与非靠谱的滚球平台分担法律费用. 该规则的目的是“保护靠谱的滚球平台的职业判断独立性”." D.C. 规则5.4, cmt. [1].

In 1989, this committee opined that a non-profit public interest legal services project could receive a percentage (one sixth) of fees paid to attorneys to whom the project referred clients and who agreed to charge reduced fees. D.C. 法律伦理课. 201 (1989). 注意到当时适用的纪律规则2-103(C).C. Code of Professional Responsibility expressly permitted "the usual and reasonable fees or dues charged by a lawyer referral service,“我们发现支付的百分比是合理的, 根据对其他司法管辖区转介安排的调查, 和平常一样. Id. In reaching this conclusion, the committee noted that the Project’s referral service was "操作d for the benefit of the public" and that it was designed "not . . . to procure financial benefit or legal work for a lawyer as a private practitioner" but "to make affordable legal services available to a needy population that might not otherwise be able to retain legal assistance." Id. 该意见补充说,根据规则7,这种安排“显然也是适当的”.1 of the proposed D.C. 规则,当时正在等待D.C. 上诉法院,但没有提及规则5.4 of the proposed D.C. 规则. Id. 这种安排, said the committee, 不会损害或控制转介靠谱的滚球平台的独立专业判断, 也不要让他们受到利益冲突或忠诚分歧的影响." Id.2

1998年,我们得出结论,尽管规则7.第1(b)(5)条,其后从D.C. 规则, 允许靠谱的滚球平台向将业务介绍给靠谱的滚球平台的非靠谱的滚球平台支付报酬, “给非靠谱的滚球平台的介绍费。, 与靠谱的滚球平台从被推荐的业务中获得的收入金额挂钩”违反了规则5.4(a) and was not permitted. D.C. 法律伦理课. 286 (1998). 第286号意见一般适用于转诊和, unlike Opinion 201, 不限于支付给非营利组织吗.

In 2001, we opined that D.C. 规则5.4 was not violated by a lawyer’s participation in a federal General Services Administration (GSA) program that engaged lawyers to represent federal agencies and that required such lawyers to pay GSA one percent of fees received from such agencies. D.C. 法律伦理课. 307 (2001). 这些费用被用来资助GSA的项目运作. Id. We noted that comment [6] to 规则7.“1”区分了提供“靠谱的滚球平台推荐计划”的“认可或建立的机构或组织”,靠谱的滚球平台可以向其支付此类项目通常收取的费用,’ on the one hand, 以及“向推荐靠谱的滚球平台服务的中介支付费用” . . . 另一方面." Id. 对后一种安排的关注, 我们说, was grounded in the desire to "prevent[] non-lawyer intermediaries from using their power over lawyers who rely on them for business referrals to influence those lawyers’ ‘professional independence of judgment.’" Id. (引用D.C. 规则5.4, cmt. [1]). The opinion described the former type of referral arrangements—arrangements that "do not compromise lawyers’ independence" and involve recognized or established agencies or organizations—as a "positive development," but recognized that the D.C. 在这个问题上,规则“不像他们应该的那么明确”." Id.; 看到 D.C. 法律伦理课. 329(2005)(注意到规则5所依据的政策考虑.4(a) prohibition are "whether a proposed arrangement would interfere with a lawyer’s independent judgment" and "whether refusing to permit the arrangement would result in fewer legal resources being available for those in need of them").

As of 2005, then, 规则5.4(a), comment [6] to 规则7.1, 和意见201, 286, and 307 permitted fees to be divided with a non-lawyer on a percentage basis only where the non-lawyer was a lawyer referral service. 当时,规则5的禁令有四个例外.4. None related to the inquiry at hand. 然而,在2005年,D .建议了一个额外的例外.C. 酒吧. 看到 D.C. 靠谱的滚球平台公会职业行为规则审查委员会 哥伦比亚特区职业行为规则的拟议修正案:最终报告和建议 174-77 (2005) ("华生报告"). This exception was adopted by the D.C. ,于2007年2月1日生效,并规定-

a lawyer may share legal fees, 无论是由仲裁庭裁决的还是在解决问题时接受的, 与一家非营利性组织合作, 保留, or recommended employment of the lawyer in the matter and that qualifies under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

D.C. 规则5.4(a)(5). The fees covered by this exception, 即“由法庭裁决或在解决问题时收到的”,限于在“案件”中“从对方处追回的”[]," D.C. 规则5.4, cmt. [11],因此仅限于诉讼产生的费用.

The comment adopted along with 规则5.第4(a)(5)款承认该分段内的安排可能涉及分摊费用,但声明“前景 . . . 这是否会损害靠谱的滚球平台的职业独立性 . . . . A lawyer who has agreed to share legal fees with such an organization remains obligated to exercise professional judgment solely in the client’s best interests." D.C. 规则5.4, cmt. [11]. 该评论进一步指出,与《靠谱的足球滚球平台》的相应条款不同,D.C. Rule "is not limited to sharing of fees awarded by a court because that restriction would significantly interfere with settlement of cases, 而不显著推进例外的目的." Id.

那么,问题是规则5的采用是否.4(a)(5) was intended to repeal, 子silentio, 规则7的评论[6]认可的“靠谱的滚球平台推荐服务”的“通常费用”例外.1 and by Opinions 201, 286, and 307. 我们不这么认为.

D中没有类似(a)(5)分段的规定.C. 2007年以前的规定,美国没有相应的规定.C. 1991年1月1日前生效的《靠谱的滚球平台》.3 重要的是,《靠谱的足球滚球平台》对拟议的(a)(5)分段和规则7的讨论.1 do not suggest that adoption of the former would repeal or even narrow the latter’s existing approval of the payment of "通常的费用" to lawyer referral programs. 看到 华生报告 at 174-77, 190-95.

尽管规则5.4(a)(5)比对规则7的评论[6]更窄.从某种意义上说,它仅限于来自诉讼事项的费用, 它的范围更广,因为它不仅适用于靠谱的滚球平台推荐计划,而且适用于 任何 non-profit organization. 此外,规则5.4(a)(5) covers not only payments to the referring organization from outside lawyers but also from lawyers who are employed or 保留 directly by the organization. By contrast, comment [6] to 规则7.1只考虑通过靠谱的滚球平台转介服务将事务转介给靠谱的滚球平台靠谱的滚球平台支付的费用, 然后是这种服务的“通常费用”.

靠谱的滚球平台向服务支付的固定费用不取决于客户向靠谱的滚球平台支付的费用数额. 因此,统一支付不是法律费用的共享,也不违反规则5.4(a). D.C. 法律伦理课. 342 (2007); D.C. 法律伦理课. 286 (1998).4 百分比付款是靠谱的滚球平台为代理所赚取的费用的百分比. As such, it is permissible only if it 要么 属于规则5 (a)(5)分段.4 or 是否如规则7的评论[6]所述,“靠谱的滚球平台推荐计划”收取“通常费用[]”.1.

只要该事务处转交的事项不是诉讼事项, 百分比付款不属于规则5的授权.4(a)(5). 这就排除了(a)(5)项作为诉讼范围之外的百分比付款的潜在依据.

因此, 百分比付款只有在满足规则7的注释[6]的要求时才被允许.1. 这反过来又导致了两个问题——该服务是否为“靠谱的滚球平台推荐服务”和, 如果是这样的话, 百分比付款是否属于此类操作的“通常费用”.

The 2007 revision of the D.C. 规则 eliminated comment [6]’s references to "recognized or established agency or organization" and "organized legal referral program,“但我们不认为他有意改变实质内容. The deletion reflected the 华生报告的 建议,最终由D .通过.C. 上诉法院, to eliminate the rule that permitted payment to 任何one—including individuals and for-profit entities—in exchange for referrals. 看到 华生报告 190-95. 外之意, only the types of referral programs mentioned in the first sentence of this paragraph remain permissible under the post-2007 D.C. 规则.

Is the Service such a program? D.C. 规则中没有明确规定作出这一决定的标准. The Model 规则 do offer such criteria, 然而, 我们同意模型规则7的基本考虑.2(b)(2),类似于注释[6]与D.C. 规则7.1. 示范规则7.第2条允许靠谱的滚球平台支付“非营利组织”的“通常费用” . . . lawyer referral service." ABA模型规则7.2(b)(2) (2015). A comment describes lawyer referral services as "consumer-oriented organizations that provide unbiased referrals to lawyers with appropriate experience in the subject matter of the representation and afford other client protections, 如投诉程序或医疗事故保险要求." Id. cmt. [6].

评论接着赞许地引用了美国靠谱的滚球平台协会(ABA)的一项标准,该标准要求此类服务“不向拥有靠谱的滚球平台事务所的靠谱的滚球平台推荐靠谱的滚球平台”, 经营或受雇于转介服务机构." Id.

我们的结论是,该服务将构成对D的评论[6]意义上的“靠谱的滚球平台转介服务”.C. 规则7.1 if the Service—

  • is generally open to D.C. 靠谱的滚球平台协会成员如果同意减免费用, 看到 ABA模型规则7.2, cmt. [6];
  • 采取合理步骤,确保接受转介的靠谱的滚球平台有能力处理有关事宜, 看到 D.C. 规则1.1;
  • 不妨碍靠谱的滚球平台的职业独立判断;
  • 只需要合理的推荐费(目前15%的要求符合这一标准), 看到 D.C. 规则1.5(a);
  • 要求其网络中的所有靠谱的滚球平台都有足够的医疗事故保险 看到 ABA模型规则7.2, cmt. [6];
  • 设有中立的争议解决机制; 看到id.; and
  • 不向拥有、经营、管理或受雇于本处的靠谱的滚球平台提交事宜; 看到id.

第二个问题是百分比付款是否是“通常费用”." Opinion 201 concluded that a non-profit public interest legal services project could receive a percentage (one sixth) of fees paid to attorneys to whom the project referred clients and who had agreed to charge reduced fees. D.C. 法律伦理课. 201 (1989); 看到 D.C. 法律操守行动. 286 (1998) and 307 (2001). 在这里, 建议汇给该处的百分比为15%, which of course is less than one sixth. 此外,该服务是501(c)(3)实体. As noted in the D.C. 规则, 看到 D.C. 规则5.4 (a), cmt. [1]以及本委员会之前的许多意见, 看,e.g., D.C. 法律操守行动. 201 (1989), 286 (1998), 307 (2001), 和329 (2005), such entities are unlikely to impair or control the independent professional judgment of the attorneys to whom referrals are made.

因此,我们得出结论,Percentage Payment是对D的评论[6]意义上的通常费用.C. 规则7.1.


Accordingly, we conclude that the D.C. 规则允许靠谱的滚球平台向司法服务部门汇付固定付款和, 如果支付百分比在规则5范围内.4(a)(5) or comment [6] to 规则7.1, the Percentage Payment as well.

Published: July 2015


1. 第501(c)(3)条豁免“[c]公司”, and 任何 community chest, 基金, 或基础, 专门为宗教组织和经营的, 慈善, 科学, testing for public safety, 文学, or educational purposes . . . 其净收入的任何部分都不会损害任何私人股东或个人的利益, 其活动没有实质性的部分是进行宣传, or otherwise attempting, to influence legislation . . . and which does not participate in, 或介入(包括发表或分发声明), 代表(或反对)任何公职候选人的任何政治运动." I.R.C. § 501(c)(3) (2015).
2. A 1993 opinion observed that the prohibition on fee-sharing was motivated in part by concern "that nonlawyers might control the activities of lawyers and interfere with the lawyers’ independent professional judgment." D.C. 法律伦理课. 233 (1993).
3. A similar provision, 限于法院裁决费用的分割, 由美国靠谱的滚球平台协会2000年道德委员会推荐,并于2002年被列入美国靠谱的滚球平台协会职业行为示范规则. 看到 ABA Model 规则5.4(a)(4) (2015).
4. 我们不加决定地假设大约是200美元, 在《靠谱的滚球平台》的意义范围内,该定额付款是合理的. 看到维.C. 规则1.5(a).
